Apart from that, I also expressed my concerns about drinking and/or swishing black tea. I proposed the risk/benefit scenario of potentially eliminating microbes at the cost staining my teeth. Yes, I am serious. Luckily for me, I discovered that black tea may not have the bactericidal properties we previously thought, and that green tea might serve as an optimal substitute.
Like I had mentioned during our first week as S-STEM scholars, my project does seem rather simple; however, after brainstorming for my protocol (which I have still haven't finished), my project is going to be somewhat intense. Just imagine brewing a warm beverage for x minutes from a predetermined volume of sterilized water heated for x minutes and then taking said beverage and swishing x milliliters of it from x amount of disinfected shot glasses for x seconds, streaking @ least three plates, and then repeating the process every 15 minutes for x hours. If you happen to be in lab while I am doing this and you see that my RPM's are revving up too high or that my feet are lifting from the ground, do not stand back. Please grab hold.
I asked Josh to buy me TAZO GREEN TIPS tea; an affordable and somewhat tasty choice. He said he couldn't find it and bought me the one depicted below. Is he trying to send me a message? Is it tea time yet?
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