Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week #10 My Pants Are Growing Like Wild Fire...

I meant PLANTS…

So, now that all of my late starts have begun to overlap, I am starting to feel the typical pressure a semester usually provides me. My experiment is going great. I will be collecting my final data on the 6th and 7th of April and start compiling my paper and begin working on my presentation. For once, I think I can say I am ahead of the game (my game, of course) and will finish things on time. At this current pace, I am currently 23 hours, 32 minutes, and 29 seconds ahead of the quickly approaching black hole that tends to devour my sanity and sometimes even my assignments (e.g. my rough draft last semester).

Other than that, I don't have much to tell you guys. My late starts are killing me with written assignments which are approaching about ten per week. I will take final measurements of my plants next week and if time permits, I will use a different type of Rhizobium on the same seeds to see if it yields different results. I wish you all the best as we wrap up these final weeks of the semester. Believe me, I have no idea where it went. 

The older I get, the faster the hourglass sifts through its sand. I see such irony in the advice that we are given as children to enjoy life as it seemed like such rubbish and impossible to achieve, and then realize as an adult that the precision and concision in which the original advice was offered was priceless.

Don't mind me... I feel a full moon coming our way within the next few days... 

...P.S. Our Rough drafts are due on the 9th. :)

Two Pictures: One treated with bacteria and one treated with my green thumb. The one on the bottom was planted a day later...

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